How To Remove Typical Party Carpet Stains?

November 18, 2021
by Riveras Cleaning Solutions
How To Remove Typical Party Carpet Stains?

It is obvious that you make a lot of pre-preparations when you organize a party at home. Now, whether it is a small get-together or a large dinner party, there are sure chances of damage to your carpets. The stains and spills likely can occur on the precious carpets by any of your family members, friends, kids, or pets. So, know here the easy tricks to remove party carpet stains.

Easy Tricks To Remove Top 3 Party Carpet Stains

1. Food Stains And Drink Spills

No matter what you feel on the carpets, either a cake slice icing or a bubbly water glass, stains and spills easily occur during a party. Especially, when the spills of coffee or red wine occur, you need to blot them immediately else they will reach into the carpet fibers. To clean the chocolate or ketchup stains, dip a clean cloth into white vinegar, then rub the stain with it.

2. Grease And Oil Stains

If you wish to clean the grease or oil spills from your carpets, then first place a paper towel over the spill. Then, iron the towel in a warm setting. Once the oil gets stuck into the towel, wipe it and clean the carpet properly. You can even sprinkle the baking soda and cornstarch on the spills. Now, rub the affected area with a clean cloth, which will allow the powder to penetrate deep into the carpet. Let the powder rest for 15 minutes. Then, vacuum the carpet thoroughly.

3. Wax And Gum Stains

In the beginning, you may find it difficult to remove the wax and gum stains from the carpets without damaging it. Freeze the wax or gum stain properly using the ice. After the stain is frozen, pull the wax from the carpet fibers using a blunt object like a spoon. If there is any water left on the carpet, then clean it with a paper towel. Also, vacuum the carpet in the end.

What Are The Worst Carpet Stains?

Some of the common worst carpet stains are formed during coffee spills, grape-based products, tomato spills, bleach, and facial makeups. So, it is always recommended to apply carpet protectors to avoid these harsh stains.

Moreover, the experienced professionals at Rivera’s Cleaning Solutions provide amazing carpet cleaning services at the Concord location. Our experts will easily remove all types of party carpet stains and spills using eco-friendly cleaners and methods.

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